• Manuela cover

Stress Reduction in Dentistry, a Mindful Approach

      • December 22, 2020
  • Webinar
  • In this lecture you will learn how mindfulness can make you better equipped to successfully navigate your professional life, and how to approach your clinical challenges with more inner calm, taking control and decisive action from a place of clarity and being present to what is actually going on – versus from habitual reactivity patterns.

    Mindfulness-based techniques and tools have been proven to provide significant improvement with anxiety and stress.

    • About the course

      The dental office is a great place to work. It is satisfying to help patients improve their health while earning a good living. However, we all know dentistry can have a relentless pace, and 83% of dentists perceive their profession as stressful.

      In addition to anxious patients, we have many stressors that we face in dentistry, some of which are unique to dentists:

      • Relentless pursuit of perfection
      • Being in control
      • Economic and time pressures
      • Competition
      • A sense of responsibility and guilt to “do no harm”
    • Learning objectives
      • Why Dentistry has been identified as a highly stressful profession.
      • Learning what Mindfulness is and how can it be applied in Dentistry.
      • Understanding the physiology of stress and how to self-regulate our emotions, so that we are better able to pause in challenging situations and manage our responses more effectively.
      • Learning how to break the “worry addiction”.
      • Recognizing the patterns of worrying and self-criticism that often generate more stress.
      • Learning how to rewire the self-critical brain.
      • Learning the connection between emotional Intelligence and Dentistry.
      • Developing practical mindfulness tools to help you thrive, perform at your best, and build resilience in your everyday dentistry practice.
    • About Manuela

      Manuela Rodrigues, DDS, graduated from the medical university of Lisbon, Portugal in 2001. She has been working both in Portugal and Belgium. She completed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teachers Training in 2018 and specialized in mindful dentistry. Over the last few years she took MBSR to the dental office: a reputable mindfulness program that is designed with dentistry in mind, and that better fits dentist’s needs. Her mission is to enable dentists to create mindful and compassionate work environments. This year she launched her Mindful Dentistry Training online and started to work with dentists from all over the world.

  • Speaker

    • Manuela Soares Rodrigues
      Manuela Soares Rodrigues (PT)

      Accreditation (Belgium dentists): 10AE

      This lecture shall meet all relevant criteria and may offer designated points for Belgian dentists.


  • Access to lecture for registrants only.


  • Stress Guided Meditation for Dentists for registrants only.

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