• Cover Marcio Vivan nedwork Dia6

2024 Current Challenges and Solutions for the Indirect Workflow in Restorative Dentistry II

      • November 08, 2024
      • Gent
  • Workshop
  • Lecture
  • Indirect restorations are used nowadays to solve a wide range of restorative challenges. However, the large variety of indirect materials and luting agents currently available make it difficult for clinicians to choose the best alternative for each clinical situation.

  • Abstract

  • This course will start at 9:00 and will end at 17:00 guided by Prof. Marcio Vivan Cardoso. Below is an overview:

    • Lecture about ‘Modern approaches for preparation of partial crowns’
    • Lecture about ‘Indirect materials and workflows for posterior indirect restorations’
    • Demo and hands-on ‘deep margin elevation, preparation of partial crowns and immediate dentine sealing’
    • Lecture about ‘Modern materials and techniques for a successful cementation of indirect restorations’
    • Demo and hands-on ‘chair-side preparation of hybrid ceramic: polishing and characterization’

  • This course will guide you on a conscious decision for the most indicated indirect restorative material, being it feldspathic ceramic, lithium dissilicate, zirconia or hybrid ceramic. Finally, the latest strategies to improve the efficiency of the luting procedure will also be presented.

    These are some of the topics which will be discussed in this lecture:

    • Modern approaches for preparation of partial crowns.
    • Indications and treatment plan using different indirect materials for oral rehabilitation.
    • Optimizing the choice for the right luting material according to the peculiarities of the clinical situation;
    • Practical guidelines to prepare each restorative substrate for an efficient adhesive luting;
    • Modern techniques in restorative dentistry: immediate dentin sealing, deep margin elevation, cementation with heated composite and new technologies including digital dentistry.

    • Marcio Vivan Cardoso
      Marcio Vivan Cardoso (BE)

      Marcio Vivan Cardoso, DDS, MSc, PhD

      Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Health Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium

      Coordinator of the Clinical Skills Training Centre, UZ Leuven, Belgium

      Secretary of the Continental European Division of the International Association of Dental

      Research (CED-IADR)


      Language: English

      Riziv accreditation requested.

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      • November 08, 2024
      • Van der Valk Hotel Gent
      • Gent
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